Sunday, February 14, 2010

My buddy and me

For years now, I have been longing for a fancy, shinny iPhone, but I could never bring myself to spend the money (or switch to AT&T- I'm a Verizon girl all the way!). A few weeks ago, my old smart phone (Motorola Q... booooo, bad phone!!) died, and not a moment too soon. I was forced to buy a new phone, and I must say, I am in love.

My new Motorola Driod is everything I could have wished for in an iPhone, but it was half the price, and has the service of any Verizon wireless phone! This phone has quickly become my best new buddy.

And I must admit, now that I have this fancy phone that does so much more than allow me to make phone calls, I spend much less time talking to people. I do spend more time texting, playing on the super speedy internet, or searching through all the cool applications that I can download for free to make my phone even more personalized!

But this doesn't mean that I don't appreciate face-to-face human interaction. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Being able to communicate with others in chunks, (like using SMS or perhaps this new technology, MoSoSo) gives me more time to interact with the people in front of me. I used to have a friend (didn't we all), who would be hanging out with me, but talking on her cell phone with another friend at the same time. I never knew who she was trying to communicate with! And I was offended that I was getting so little of her attention. Now, with the amount of flexibility we have to communicate on our cell phones without making a call, it is very easy to multitask, or better yet, excuse yourself for a moment to ask another friend a question via text message.

Because lets face it, we are not going to just up and stop our habit of multitasking.... it is part of our culture, and we get a lot of things done because of our ability to do it successfully!

I admit, there are draw backs to being so dependent on our cell phones for communication and information sharing, but once we settle down and learn when to use them and when to look up and smell the roses, we will find they really are great tools.


  1. First of all I want a more detailed review on the Droid phone since I have been thinking of getting one!

    I think we all should have some third-parties evaluate our efficiency at multitasking. Like you said, most of us do it and think we do a good job of it. But you also mentioned how offended you were when your friend was hanging out with you but communicating with other friends not physically present.

    With more ways to multitask we also have to learn the etiquette of doing so respectfully. It is hard for polite habits to keep up with the speed of technology. Just ask the person parked in front of you at the green light because they are too busy texting to pay attention to the traffic light.

  2. KK, let's write mobile device etiquette handbook. #1 Talking on your mobile device while using the restroom - awkward....

    Btw, my cousin has the droid and he absolutley loves it. He thinks it's the single greatest invention next to sliced bread.

  3. I have the LG Dare from Verizon, came out about 2 years ago and was one of Verizon's first attempt at all touch phone. I am sure when it is time for an upgrade I will be switching to the Droid. Verizon all the way...the service is just too good.

    All of that aside, I have experienced what KK mentioned, except from the pedestrian side. When they are making a right hand turn and I am walking across the street and oops almost get run over, because they decided to look down at their phone. I used to get surprised when this it is just a normal thing and I try to stare at the driver before I attempt to walk across the street.

    Blogger on the run, the bathroom thing is so gross. Really your conversation can't wait! The best part is they are so busy talking on the phone that they walk out...without washing their hands.

    As far as multitasking, I do think that it is something that our generation is good at. We have to be in order to function and be is a box we have to check on every job application.

  4. Blogger On Run I really like the idea of a mobile device etiquette handbook. Maybe could add chapters on facebook/IM etiquette too...

    KK- Carissa gives great Droid reviews and convinced me to buy one a couple weeks ago =)
