Monday, February 22, 2010

LinkedIn... really?

Am I the only person out there who really can't get into LinkedIn?

Somehow I doubt it... but why is it that such a potentially powerful tool isn't really catching on?

I think it is because it takes all the fun out of social media. Today's professional certainly needs a presence on LinedIn, but what insentives do we have to actually visit the site on a regular basis? There are no changes occuring so I have no reason to visit.

Actually, I visit on average about once a month, unlike facebook, which is more like once an hour...

Bearing that in mind, will LinkedIn ever catch on? Or will it die off completely?

I'm not sure I will notice either way.


  1. I'm totally in agreement. I rarely use LinkedIn and my profile isn't very robust.

    The only time I go, is if I need to gather specific information about a company or employer (which isn't very often).

    LinkedIn serves a very specific purpose in my mind. When I'm looking for my next job, I will probably frequent it more often.

  2. I wonder if the demographic that uses the more popular social networking sites hasn't reached the point where major career changes are likely.

    If they haven't, maybe Linkedin will catch on when they do, or the other networks will incorporate more "professional" features.

  3. I definitely don't check Linked-In as much as Facebook, but I do think that it is a great professional tool.

    I use it to follow groups that I am interested and find out about other networking events. Also, it is a way that I connect with with people that I have met at past events. I think it is definitely a useful job search tool and a great way to stay connected.

    I really like the tool and think it is important to grow your network. In response to Blogger on the Run, even if are not looking for a job right now, you might be in the future. So, you want to make sure you have some type of professional network established and a complete profile. That way you are ready to go and hopefully less work will be involved.

  4. I have to agree with Inna, I think its a good tool, even if I don't have the same chain-smoking-like addiction to it that I have with facebook/Twitter. LinkedIn = cigars i guess...

    I really like using it for finding out about people I've met or will be meeting. For example, if I'm heading into an interview often times that person is at least a 2nd or 3rd degree connection, meaning I can check out basic info on their profile. Helps me come up with conversation starters, know how to direct the conversation, or just maybe what that person might be like.

    I really used it a lot for setting up informational interviews. I'd meet someone in person and add them to my network, and then later ask for an info interview. Then, I'd do the stalking mentioned above. Maybe that's just me, I like to go in knowing as much as possible, read up on their previous job titles and companies. Helps me figure out questions to ask.

  5. I rarely visit LinkedIn myself. Not sure it could ever become a part of my daily, or even weekly, routine. But I guess one advantage is that even while you are not purposely growing your network your contacts are. So even if you are not a frequent user you can still reap some of the benefits.
