Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blogging Baby

Hello readers! So you are interested in learning how to blog. Me too. There is a great deal to learn, and it can be overwhelming. I feel like a baby learning to walk.

I am lucky enough to be in a class where I will be navigating the deep waters with classmates and my professor. If you are one of my classmates reading this post, good luck this semester- it is going to be a fun one! If you fell upon this blog on your own, thanks for reading and please take advantage of this opportunity to learn with us. Social media is all about making connections, so don't take this journey alone... join us!

Day 1: Create your blog! We are using, but there are many options. Don't be shy, just do it. For a very long time, I have been contemplating the idea of creating my own blog to reach out to those interested in beauty and fashion. Up until now, I have chickened out because I was afraid of the commitment, and terrified that no one would care or read my posts. This class has inspired me to take the plunge, and I encourage you to do the same. It doesn't take much to get started, and once you have, the world is your oyster, and believe it or not, there will be people out there who will read what you have to say. Do it. Now. You are already online, aren't you??

If you are still not ready to get started, follow this blog, and you will see my progress. Trust me, I know nothing right now. But I can promise you that this blog will only contain posts written by me, and will be a record of my first learning experience in blogging.

Have you recently stated blogging? Are you an expert? I would love to hear your stories either way. We can all learn from each other!

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